Mahjong Evangelist

Mahjong Strategy

Mahjong Strategy: Analysis of Tenhou-i / 右折するひつじ:Usetsu suru Hitsuji

Hi all, thank you for checking this website ! These days, my stats at Tenhou are getting even worse and I had a feel...


皆さんこんにちは。新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大が進行していますが、みなさんお元気でお過ごしでしょうか。数年後にそんなこともあったねぇと笑って話し合えるようになっていればと思います。 さて、どの程度読んでくださる方がいるか分からないの...
Mahjong Strategy

Mahjong Strategy: Defense 3 / Turning point

Hi all ! Thank you for checking this website. I live in Tokyo and the city is half locked down. I work at home these da...
Mahjong Strategy

Mahjong Strategy: Hand Planning 2 / The situation when semi-bluff works

Hi all thank you always for checking this website ! This article describes 1. what is semi-bluff, and 2. when to use...
Mahjong Strategy

Mahjong Strategy: Tile efficiency 8 / Switch the wait !

Hi all, thank you for checking this website. This article describe how to switch the wait smoothly when we have 1 sh...
Mahjong Strategy

Mahjong Strategy: Keep thinking !

Hi all, thank you for checking this website. In this article describes what we should do when there seems to be noth...
Mahjong Strategy

Mahjong Strategy: tile efficiency 7 / Catching Sanshoku

Hi all, thank you for checking this website. This article describes how to maximize the possibility of Sanshoku, the...
Mahjong Strategy

Mahjong Strategy: Defense 2 / One thing you should notice on Betaori

Hi all, thank you for checking this website ! This article describes basic technique on Betaori: discarding safe ti...
Mahjong Strategy

Mahjong Strategy: Hand planning fast 1,000 or slow 3,900 ?

Hi all, thank you for checking this website. This article compares the value of fast 1,000 and slow 3,900. At Eas...
Mahjong Other

Mahjong Other: This is Tenhou 3 / Turn the table !

Hi all, thank you for checking this website. I sometimes play Sanma: 3 people Mahjong, and recently got to be 4 dan:...