Mahjong Strategy: Tile Efficiency 9 / Choosing tiles with 7 pairs

Mahjong Strategy

This article describes an idea to choose tiles when you have 1 shanten hand of 7 pairs: Chii-toitsu.

Hi all, thank you for checking this website !

I once wrote an article on Jigoku-Machi: waiting at the honor tile 2 of which is already discarded.

In this article, I want to enhance this idea when you have 1 shanten hand of 7 pairs.

Have you ever had an experience that when you have 1 shanten hand of 7 pairs, discarded honor tile 2 of which is already discarded, and drew the last one ? Was it just unlucky ?

For example, what to discard from the hand below ?

I often prefer to hold those honor tile especially at the late turns. For example, at the beginning of 13th turn, we have 22+14(Wan-pai : the dead wall)=36 tiles remain in the wall. So almost 1 (36/34) tile for each kind is remained in the wall. So holding those honor tile is not such bad choice as you may imagine.

And when you got Tenpai…

The wait is strong enough to Riichi even at this late turns.

I want to name this idea as double-Jigoku Machi. Please try this when you have similar hand !

